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Updating and retrieving cross-platform presence

The presence system provides access to a cross-platform presence system that works everywhere, and allows you to view the presence status of any other player in your game regardless of whether they're playing on the same platform.


The C++ APIs described in this section are only available in the Marketplace Edition, as the Free Edition does not ship with any C++ headers.

Updating your game module dependencies

Before you can access the user cache system, you need to update your game module's .Build.cs file to depend on the RedpointEOSPresence module, like so:

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

Obtaining the user cache system

To obtain a reference to the user cache system, call GetSystem<IPresenceSystem> on an FPlatformHandle you previously obtained:

#include "RedpointEOSPresence/PresenceSystem.h"

// Place at the top of function bodies that use the user cache system.
using namespace Redpoint::EOS::Presence;

FPlatformHandle PlatformHandle; // e.g. obtained from the online subsystem.
auto Presence = PlatformHandle->GetSystem<IPresenceSystem>();

Presence concepts

The presence system works differently than the online subsystem IOnlinePresence interface. Instead of explicitly querying for another user's presence status, you express interest in other user IDs. Multiple "systems" can have their own presence interest lists, which means if one system stops being interested in a target user ID, it doesn't prevent other systems from receiving presence updates for that user. Only when there are no systems interested in a user does the presence system cease polling their status.

For general game code, the interested system name should be NAME_Game.

The FPresenceUserState type

Presence for local and remote users is encapsulated in the FPresenceUserState type. Some of the fields on this structure are read-only, even for local users, since their value is managed by the presence system itself.

  • UserId: The user that this presence state is for.
  • bPresenceAdvertised: Read-only. This value is updated by the presence system and is set based on whether the runtime platform permits presence. For example, if a player marks themselves as Offline on Steam Friends, this value may be set to false by the runtime platform integration to prevent presence being advertised on Epic Online Services as well.
  • AdvertisedSession: Read-only. This value is updated by the presence system in response to session-based rooms having the presence room feature.
    • Note: Until the room system refactoring work is complete, this value is currently always unset.
  • AdvertisedParty: Read-only. This value is updated by the presence system in response to lobby-based rooms having the presence room feature and party type room features. Creating a party via IOnlineParty with presence enabled will populate this field for a local user.
  • ActivityState: The current activity state of the user, whether they are online, idle, "do not disturb" or offline.
  • StatusTextFormat: The localised text format string, such as NSLOCTEXT("MyGame", "PresenceStatus", "{Rounds} rounds remaining").
  • StatusTextFormatArguments: The name arguments to use as inputs to the localised text format string when rendering it, such as FFormatNamedArguments{{TEXT("Rounds"), FFormatArgumentValue(10)}}.
  • CustomAttributes: Custom attributes that you want to store/retrieve on presence states.
  • GetStatusTextFormatted(): Returns the formatted text based on the StatusTextFormat and StatusTextFormatArguments values, such as "10 rounds remaining".

Updating a local user's presence

To update the presence status of a local user, call IPresenceSystem::SetPresence:

auto NewPresenceState = FPresenceUserState(LocalUserId);
NewPresenceState.StatusTextFormat = NSLOCTEXT("MyGame", "PresenceStatus", "{Rounds} rounds remaining");
NewPresenceState.StatusTextFormatArguments = FFormatNamedArguments{{TEXT("Rounds"), FFormatArgumentValue(10)}};
// ...
IPresenceSystem::FOnSetPresenceComplete::CreateSPLambda(this, [this](const FError &ErrorCode) {
if (*ErrorCode.bWasSuccessful)
// The local user's presence was updated. The actual update may be deferred until later.

To incrementally update a local user's presence, call IPresenceSystem::GetPresence to get their existing presence, modify the returned value, and then call IPresenceSystem::SetPresence:

TOptional<FPresenceUserState> ExistingPresence = Presence->GetPresence(
auto NewPresenceState = ExistingPresence.IsSet() ? ExistingPresence.Get() : FPresenceUserState(LocalUserId);
NewPresenceState.StatusTextFormat = NSLOCTEXT("MyGame", "PresenceStatus", "{Rounds} rounds remaining");
NewPresenceState.StatusTextFormatArguments = FFormatNamedArguments{{TEXT("Rounds"), FFormatArgumentValue(10)}};
// ...
// Call SetPresence as above.

Registering interest in another user's presence

To change the presence interest list for your system, call IPresenceSystem::UpdatePresenceInterest:

// Set up the array that indicates how we want our interest list to change.
// This is a delta; any user IDs not listed here will remain on the interest
// list if they were previously added.
TArray<FPresenceInterestChange> InterestListChanges;
InterestListChanges.Add(FPresenceInterestChange(InterestedInTargetUserId, true /* bInterested */));
InterestListChanges.Add(FPresenceInterestChange(NoLongerInterestedInTargetUserId, false /* bInterested */));

// Update the presence interest list.
NAME_Game /* InterestedSystem */,
true /* bWaitForInitialPresenceData */,
const FError &ErrorCode,
const TMap<FIdentityUserId, FPresenceUserState> &RemoteUserPresenceState)
if (*ErrorCode.bWasSuccessful)
// The local user's interest list was updated.

// If bWaitForInitialPresenceData was true when calling UpdatePresenceInterest,
// RemoteUserPresenceState contains a map of all new interested target user
// IDs to their current presence status. Otherwise, the
// FOnUpdatePresenceInterestComplete callback fires immediately and the
// RemoteUserPresenceState value is an empty map.

Get the current presence of a local or remote user

To get the current presence state of a local or remote user, use IPresenceSystem::GetPresence:

TOptional<FPresenceUserState> ExistingPresence = Presence->GetPresence(
if (ExistingPresence.IsSet())
// Presence state available.
// Presence state not available. Either we're not interested in the target
// user and aren't fetching their presence state, or we haven't fetched
// their initial presence state yet.

Get notified when a remote user's presence changes

To get notified when a remote user's presence changes, bind to the IPresenceSystem::OnRemoteUserPresenceStateUpdated(InterestedSystem) delegate:

auto Handle = Presence->OnRemoteUserPresenceStateUpdated(NAME_Game).AddSPLambda(
const FIdentityUserId &LocalUserId,
const FIdentityUserId &TargetUserId,
const FPresenceUserState &NewPresenceState)
// NewPresenceState contains the target user's new presence state.

You will only receive presence state notifications for target users that your system indicated it is interested in via UpdatePresenceInterest. That is, if system A indicates it is interested in a user, a handler bound to OnRemoteUserPresenceStateUpdated(B) will not receive notifications for that user.

You can listen for presence change notifications from all users that any system is interested in by passing NAME_All as the InterestedSystem argument to OnRemoteUserPresenceStateUpdated.

Access a local user's friend code

To access a local user's friend code, use IPresenceSystem::GetFriendCode:

TOptional<FString> FriendCode = Presence->GetFriendCode(LocalUserId);
if (FriendCode.IsSet())
// Call FriendCode.Get() to access.

The only scenario where GetFriendCode returns an unset value is if the user ID is not a signed in local user.

Resolve a friend code into a user ID

To resolve a friend code into one or more user IDs, use IPresenceSystem::FindByFriendCode. Extremely rarely, in games with high player counts, a friend code may map to multiple online players. In this case, you should display the list of found players and let the user select which one they intended to lookup.

const FError &ErrorCode,
const TArray<FUserInfoRef> &DiscoveredUsers)
if (*ErrorCode.bWasSuccessful)
// DiscoveredUsers contains 0 or more users. It is not an error if no users are found.

Open a low-frequency reliable message channel to another player

The presence system supports opening low-frequency reliable message channels to remote users. Please note the following limitations:

  • You should use this system sparingly, if at all.
  • Each connection results in the local user joining the remote user's lobby, therefore you can not open lots of message channels at once.
  • Each message sent and received results in a lobby member data update.
  • All messages have a type (FName) and content (arbitrary JSON value).
const FError &ErrorCode,
const TSharedPtr<IPresenceMessageConnection> &MessageConnection)
if (*ErrorCode.bWasSuccessful)
// Use MessageConnection.

If you are using this API, you will also need to listen for inbound message connections from other players:

auto Handle = Presence->OnInboundMessageConnectionEstablished(NAME_Game).AddSPLambda(
const TSharedRef<IPresenceMessageConnection> &MessageConnection)
// Use MessageConnection to communicate with the incoming user.

If you don't have a handler for an interested system (such as NAME_Game) and you attempt to establish a message connection, all message connections with that target player will close.

Once you have a message connection, you can send messages or close the connection:

MakeShared<FJsonValueString>(TEXT("My string value")),
const FError &Error)
if (*Error.bWasSuccessful)
// The message was successfully sent and acknowledged by the peer.
const FError &Error)
if (*Error.bWasSuccessful)
// The connection was closed.

When you receive an incoming message connection or establish an outbound message connection, you need to listen for incoming messages and for the connection close event:

auto Handle = MessageConnection->OnMessageReceivedOrClose().AddSPLambda(
bool bIsClosed,
const FName &MessageType,
const TSharedPtr<FJsonValue> &Message,
const FAckMessage &AckMessage)
if (bIsClosed)
// The connection was closed (no message data is present).
// Inspect MessageType to determine how to handle this message.

// Once you've handled the message, call AckMessage.

If no handler acknowledges a message, the connection automatically closes as the protocol does not support retries. In this case, the original SendMessage call on the sender receives an error code in the callback.