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Creating a party

To use the party system, you need to either create a party or be invited to join one. You can be a member of multiple parties at the same time.

Creating a party

To create a party, first get the online party interface:

#include "OnlineSubsystem.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystemUtils.h"
#include "Interfaces/OnlinePartyInterface.h"

// ...

IOnlineSubsystem* Subsystem = Online::GetSubsystem(this->GetWorld());
IOnlinePartyPtr Party = Subsystem->GetPartyInterface();

Then, use CreateParty to create the party.

Each party has a "party type ID". For the most party, this is an arbitrary integer value that you can use to distinguish between parties if a player is in multiple parties at the same time.

However, it also plays an important role in determining whether the specified party has presence enabled.

If you set the party type ID to the value returned by IOnlinePartySystem::GetPrimaryPartyTypeId(), then presence will be enabled for the party. You can only have one party or session with presence enabled at a given time. This will enable the "Join Party" and "Invite" functionality in the Epic Social Overlay.

TSharedRef<FPartyConfiguration> Config = MakeShared<FPartyConfiguration>();
Config->bIsAcceptingMembers = true;
Config->MaxMembers = 4; // The maximum number of players in the party.

if (!Party->CreateParty(
*Identity->GetUniquePlayerId(0).Get(), // The local player creating the party.
(FOnlinePartyTypeId)PartyTypeId, // The party type ID.
const FUniqueNetId &LocalUserId,
const TSharedPtr<const FOnlinePartyId> &PartyId,
const ECreatePartyCompletionResult Result)
// If Result == ECreatePartyCompletionResult::Succeeded, the party
// was created and you are now the party leader.
// Call didn't start, return error.

Kicking a member

If you are the party leader, you can kick members of the party using KickMember:

if (!Party->KickMember(
*Identity->GetUniquePlayerId(0).Get(), // The local player that is the leader.
*PartyId->PartyId, // The party ID.
*MemberId->PartyMember->GetUserId(), // The member to kick from the party.
const FUniqueNetId &LocalUserId,
const FOnlinePartyId &PartyId,
const FUniqueNetId &MemberId,
const EKickMemberCompletionResult Result
) {
// If Result == EKickMemberCompletionResult::Succeeded, then the member
// was kicked from the party.
// Call didn't start, return error.

Promoting a member

If you are the party leader, you can promote another member of the party to leader using PromoteMember:

if (!Party->PromoteMember(
*Identity->GetUniquePlayerId(0).Get(), // The local player that is the current leader.
*PartyId->PartyId, // The party ID.
*MemberId->PartyMember->GetUserId(), // The member to promote to leader.
const FUniqueNetId &LocalUserId,
const FOnlinePartyId &PartyId,
const FUniqueNetId &MemberId,
const EPromoteMemberCompletionResult Result
) {
// If Result == EPromoteMemberCompletionResult::Succeeded, then the member
// was promoted to leader.
// Call didn't start, return error.

Leaving a party

If you are a member of a party, you can leave the party using LeaveParty. If you are the party leader, another member will be promoted to the leader at random.

if (!Party->LeaveParty(
*Identity->GetUniquePlayerId(0).Get(), // The local player in the party.
*PartyId->PartyId, // The party ID.
const FUniqueNetId& LocalUserId,
const FOnlinePartyId& PartyId,
const ELeavePartyCompletionResult Result
) {
// If Result == ELeavePartyCompletionResult::Succeeded, then you have
// left the party.
// Call didn't start, return error.

Listening for party join and exit events

It is important to listen for party join and exit events, since your players might join parties via the Epic Social Overlay. When a player joins a party via the overlay, the party system will automatically leave the current presence party (if there is one) and join the new party.

See Listening for party join and exit events under the invite documentation on how to handle these events.