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Linking a cross-platform account

If you've configured your project to optionally allow cross-platform accounts, you'll need to know when to prompt the user to link a cross-platform account and how to kick off the cross-platform linking process.


These instructions currently only apply if you're using the default authentication graph and Epic Games cross-platform accounts. Authentication graphs and cross-platform providers can fully customize (or choose not to support) account linking.

Detecting if an account can be linked

To check whether or not you can start the cross-platform account linking process, you need to check the crossPlatform.canLink authentication attribute, like so:

FString CanLink;
if (Account->GetAuthAttribute(TEXT("crossPlatform.canLink"), CanLink) && CanLink == TEXT("true"))
// ... display the cross-platform link prompt or button

Starting the linking process

To start the link process, call AutoLogin again while the user is signed in. You should use the exact same invocation as described in Login a user.

You'll get the OnLoginComplete event once the linking process is complete.