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Authenticating with Discord

To enable Discord authentication, you need to switch to a source-based version of the plugin, and install the Discord Game SDK.

Switch to using source code

If you have not done so already, switch to using a source-based version of the plugin by following the instructions on the Welcome page.

Install the prerequisites

In order to use Discord authentication, you need to install the following prerequisites:

  • Download the Discord Game SDK v2.5.6 and extract it to C:\ProgramData\DiscordGameSDK such that C:\ProgramData\DiscordGameSDK\ exists.

Set up Discord authentication in the Epic Games Dev Portal

  1. Open the Epic Games Dev Portal.
  2. Navigate to your product.
  3. Click "Product Settings".
  4. Under the "Identity Providers" tab, click "Add Identity Provider".
  5. Select "Discord" as the identity provider.
  6. Set the "Description" to any value you like.
  7. In the Discord Developer Portal, click on the game you want to set up authentication for.
  8. Copy the Application ID value, and paste it into Epic Games Dev Portal as the "Application ID".
  9. Click "Save & Exit".
  10. Under the "Environments" tab, click "Identity Providers" next to the Live sandbox.
  11. For Discord, select the new credential you just made.

Enable Discord authentication in your game

In each .Target.cs file (the main one and the Editor variant), you need to add this project definition:


Configure the Discord online subsystem in your game

In your DefaultEngine.ini file (or WindowsEngine.ini if you want to configure it for a specific platform), you need to add the following settings:

ApplicationName=My Game Name
InvitationText=The message sent when a player invites another Discord user to join their party.

Enable Discord avatars, friends and invites

If you want to enable Discord avatars, friends, synthetic parties and invites, you also need to add the subsystem to the list of delegated subsystems in DefaultEngine.ini:

; This is a comma-separated list, so append ",RedpointDiscord" if you already have delegated subsystems set.

Use Discord authentication at runtime

The Default authentication graph will automatically use Discord authentication if your game is launched through Discord (via a store channel).

If you specifically want to use Discord authentication, you can set the authentication graph in Project Settings to "Discord Only", or set it in a platform-specific INI file with:


Testing Discord authentication

Discord authentication works in the editor. Set "Editor Authentication Graph" to "Discord Only" in Project Settings, and then you will be able to test Discord authentication in the editor without any additional steps.