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Generating Visual Studio and Xcode solution files

UET can generate the Visual Studio and Xcode solution files for one or more Unreal Engine projects, or the engine itself.


You do not need to generate solution files in order to build projects or the engine with UET; this is simply a convenience command provided to generate Visual Studio and Xcode solution files from the command line.

Generating solution files for a single Unreal Engine project

You can generate the solution files for an Unreal Engine project by running:

uet generate

in the directory that contains the .uproject file.

By default this will use the engine version specified in the .uproject file, but you can override it by specifying the engine version to use:

uet generate -e 5.3

or by specifying a path to the engine:

uet generate -e C:\Work\UE5

Generating solution files for Unreal Engine

You can generate the solution files for Unreal Engine itself by running:

uet generate

in the directory that contains the source engine (e.g. cloned from GitHub or Perforce). This mode of the command does not work with an installed build of the engine obtained from the Epic Games Launcher.

Generating solution files for multiple Unreal Engine projects

If you have a source engine (e.g. cloned from GitHub or Perforce), you can include one or more Unreal Engine projects in the engine solution by running:

uet generate -e C:\Work\UE5 -p C:\Path\To\Project1 -p C:\Path\To\Project2

The generated solution files will be located underneath C:\Work\UE5 and will include the Unreal Engine projects. This allows you to build the engine, or build and run any of the specified projects against that engine version, entirely from within Visual Studio.