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Building an Unreal Engine project

UET can build Unreal Engine projects using just the .uproject file. For a more complete list of options, use uet build --help.

Building a project

... using the engine specified in the .uproject file

To build a project using the version of the engine configured in the .uproject file, run:

uet build

... using an installed engine version

You can build a project using a specific version of Unreal Engine installed through the Epic Games Launcher with:

uet build -e 5.3

... using an engine from a specific path

You can build a project using an Unreal Engine located a path on your computer with:

uet build -e C:\Work\UE5

This can be a path to either a source engine (e.g. cloned from GitHub or Perforce), or an installed engine build that has been copied to that directory.

... using an engine from a UEFS package tag

You can build a project using Unreal Engine stored in a UEFS package with:

uet build -e

Advanced options for building projects

uet build provides additional options to configure the way that the project is built. These options can be used in addition to the engine specification above.

... for a project that is not located in the current directory

If the project is not located in the current working directory, you can specify the path to the folder that contains the .uproject file with:

uet build -p C:\Path\That\Contains\Project

... for the Shipping configuration

By default uet build will build the project in Development configuration. You can build for Shipping instead with:

uet build --shipping

... for additional platforms

By default uet build will build the project for the host platform. You can build for additional platforms by specifying --platform one or more times, for example:

uet build --platform Android --platform Linux

... with strict includes enabled

To ensure all #include declarations are correct in your project, you can turn on strict includes. This will significantly increase the build time:

uet build --strict-includes

... and storing the resulting build elsewhere

By default the project package for all platforms will be stored underneath Saved/StagedBuilds. You can specify a different output directory with:

uet build --project-staging-directory C:\Path\To\Output\To