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To start using clang-tidy in your project, you'll need to go through the installation process. The first half of these steps only need to be done once, after which you can use clang-tidy in any project you want.

Make sure you're compliant with the license

clang-tidy for Unreal Engine is available for free under the following conditions:

  • If you're an individual, and you have 5 or fewer people working on your project over the whole development period.
  • If you're a company, and you have 5 or fewer employees.
  • If you have a current Premium support plan. Premium support plans include a custom license for clang-tidy at no additional cost.

If you don't meet these requirements, you'll need to obtain a custom license or trial agreement by emailing [email protected] before you download the software.

We do not provide support for users who are using clang-tidy on a free license (unless on a Premium support plan). If you require professional support, you'll need to get a custom license regardless of the number of users you have.

The license agreement can be found on the Redpoint Games website.

Download the plugin through the License Manager

You can download the plugin through the License Manager.

Download from the License Manager

If you have a custom license, you can also clone it directly from the source code repository.

View on Redpoint GitLab

Add the plugin to your project

Extract the downloaded ZIP file into your project, under the Plugins/ClangTidy directory. You'll probably need to create this directory.

You'll want to extract is such that the file layout in your project looks like this:

- MyProject.uproject
- ...
- Plugins/
- ClangTidy/
- ...
- ClangTidy/
- ClangTidy.uplugin
- ...

There's no need to remove the top-level files from the repository before copying the plugin into the project, as Unreal Engine will search for .uplugin files recursively.

Configure clang-tidy in your project

Now that you've installed clang-tidy for Unreal Engine, you'll need to configure it for your project so you can start checking your code for errors.

Refer to Configuring your project for the next steps.