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Reconnecting to a session

You can permit players to reconnect to a session they were in after their connection gets disrupted by using the FindFriendSession function. This is often used to allow players to rejoin a game after their Internet drops or their game client crashes.

Note that the game server must not have unregistered them as a player in order for this technique to work. Refer to Unregister players for more detail on the requirements to support reconnections.

Checking if a session is available to reconnect to

You will most likely want to perform this check at the main menu of your game, and at the menu that a user is sent back to after a disconnection, so that you can offer them the option of reconnecting to the game.

First, get the online session interface:

#include "OnlineSubsystem.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystemUtils.h"
#include "Interfaces/OnlineSessionInterface.h"

// ...

IOnlineSubsystem* Subsystem = Online::GetSubsystem(this->GetWorld());
IOnlineSessionPtr Session = Subsystem->GetSessionInterface();

Register the event handler so you know when you receive the search results. FindFriendSessionDelegateHandle is declared as an FDelegateHandle.

this->FindFriendSessionDelegateHandle =
0 /* LocalUserNum */,

Call FindFriendSession, using the current user ID as the "friend ID" parameter:

if (!Session->FindFriendSession(0 /* LocalUserNum */, *UserId))
// Call didn't start, return error.
Session->ClearOnFindFriendSessionCompleteDelegate_Handle(0 /* LocalUserNum */, this->FindFriendSessionDelegateHandle);

When your callback fires, you can handle whether or not a session is available:

void UMyClass::HandleFindFriendSessionComplete(
int32 LocalUserNum,
bool bWasSuccessful,
const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult> &Results)
// NOTE: bWasSuccessful is only true if the call succeeded *AND* a session was found.
// It's normal for it to be false when the call succeeds if the user doesn't have
// a session to reconnect to. You should not treat a false value as an indication to
// retry the request.

if (bWasSuccessful && Results.Num() > 0)
// The user has a session they can reconnect to. You can handle the (at most one)
// search result from the Results array the same way that search results
// are handled in "Finding a session".


// Otherwise, the user does not have a session to reconnect to.

Refer to Connecting to a game server on how to use the search result to reconnect to the game server.