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Example Projects

Available example projects

We offer multiple example projects, so you can use the right example for your project:


To use the example projects, you'll also need to install the free Online API Explorer plugin from the Marketplace or download it from our GitLab instance.

Example project features

Currently the example projects cover:

  • Logging users in
  • Session management (including creating, finding, joining and destroying sessions)
  • Peer-to-peer networking
  • Updating presence status
  • Parties, invites and friends
  • Looking up other users by ID or display name
  • Uploading stats
  • Viewing achievements
  • Viewing leaderboards
  • Displaying player avatars
  • Accessing files stored in Player Data Storage
  • Accessing files stored in Title Storage
  • E-commerce
  • Accessing Voice Chat

Downloading the example projects

You can download all the example projects by cloning the repository from GitLab. Once you've cloned the repository, follow the instructions in the appropriate files for the example you are using.

Lyra example project

We offer a modified version of the Lyra example project that Epic Games provides, configured to use Redpoint's EOS Online Subsystem instead. Unlike the default Lyra example, you don't need to build Unreal Engine from source in order to enable EOS.

Accessing the Lyra example project

To access the Lyra example project, make sure you have uploaded your receipt for EOS Online Subsystem to the License Manager. You'll then be able to access the Lyra example on GitLab.


Epic has not implemented dedicated server support in Lyra, so you won't be able to run Lyra dedicated servers out-of-the-box with either EOS Online Subsystem or Epic's implementation of EOS.


Due to the way the Lyra example is currently licensed by Epic Games, we can't have the Lyra repository public on GitLab. The only way for us to verify that you've agreed to the Unreal Engine EULA is to have you upload your receipt for EOS Online Subsystem.

This unfortunately means we can't currently make the modified Lyra example available to Free Edition users.

If we get permission from Epic Games in the future to make the modified Lyra example project public on GitLab, we'll do so.

Building the Lyra example project

You can build the project either by generating the solution files (right-click on the Lyra.uproject -> "Generate solution files") and building in Visual Studio, or you can build from the command line using UET, the Unreal Engine Tool:

uet build -d Lyra -e 5.4